
I am involved in various outreach activities of mathematics and computer science for high school students, in particular with the Animath association. More institutional activities are included in the teaching page.

Beyond fun and beauty of science, I am also passionate about issues connected to carbon norms and regulations, energy, and climate change, and try to involve myself with associations and working groups on those topics. Recently, I gave a few talks on environmental impacts of IT with The Shifters.


Since 2016, I have been working with Animath, a non-profit organisation whose goal is to develop the passion of mathematics for everyone. Every year, tens of thousands of french and french-speaking high school students participate to activities organised by Animath: research workshops, summer camps, meeting with researchers, national and international competitions, etc.

Among the various activities organised by Animath, I am personally involved in the following projects.

French Tournament of Young Mathematicians \((\mathbb{TFJM}^2)\)

The French Tournament of Young Mathematicians (TFJM) is a competition for high school students inspired from mathematical research, aiming to stimulate interest in mathematics and its applications as well as develop scientific thinking, communication skills and teamwork. Participants are given several months to work in teams on open problems and write their solutions, before writing reviews on that of other teams. During the tournaments, the students present their results to a jury and criticise the work of other teams during a debate.

I chaired the national organisation committee of the TFJM in 2019-2020, have been involved in various scientific and organisational aspects since 2016, and still regularly participate as member of the jury.

International Activities

Animath contributes to the promotion of computer science and mathematical extracurricular activities in different countries by providing resources and helping to develop summer schools and mathematical clubs (see Animath International official page).

Since 2021, I have been working with Club Imatematiko in Fianarantsoa, Madagascar, which organises math and computer science activities for high school students during the weekend, as well as week-long training sessions with talks by researchers and olympic or research-based competitions.

Before this, I also served as contact point for a programming club in Rwanda and taught a one-week course in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Other activities

  • International Tournament of Young Mathematicians (ITYM)
  • Correspondances de Jeunes Mathématicien·ne·s (Correspondances)
  • Rendez-vous des Jeunes Mathématiciennes et informaticiennes (RJM)
  • Parlons Maths, a daily math stream during the 2020 lockdown in France (Parlons Maths)