

Oral examinations in Computer Science

I have given oral examinations (colles) in computer science at Lycée Louis-le-Grand (MP2I, 2021-2022).

High school


I am involved in various activities of scientific outreach, especially towards high school students. See the dedicated page.

MOOCs in Mathematics

At École polytechnique, I have co-written and taught (2020-2022) two MOOCs in mathematics aimed at (very motivated) high school students and young undergraduates. (Unfortunately, they are now archived.)

  • Rubik’s cube : une introduction aux groupes d’automorphismes en géométrie (with Nordine Azaiz and École polytechnique’s e-learning team). Introduction to group theory via Rubik’s Cube-like puzzles. Design your own formulas using commutators and conjugation. Has been applied successfully to higher-dimensional cubes!
  • Nombres constructibles : autour de la constructibilité des polygones réguliers (with Pegah Khayatan, Baptiste Plaquevent, Diego Izquierdo and École polytechnique’s e-learning team). Straightedge and compass constructions, Gauss-Wantzel theorem and its proof, non-constructible numbers, and introduction to other connections between geometry and algebra.


I have given online tutoring (Éducation Nationale, 2020) in mathematics to students confined during COVID-19 lockdown, as well as individual tutoring in computer science and physics at various occasions.