Louis Rustenholz


I am a PhD student at IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid, co-advised by Pedro López-García and Manuel Hermenegildo. Before this, I was a student at École polytechnique, and did a final year at the MPRI.

My research interests lie in static analysis, more generally formal methods and automated program analyses, and in particular abstract interpretation and cost analysis, from theoretical foundations to applications beyond verification and safety.

I am currently involved in a project on automated inference of energy consumption of programs and systems, with applications in energy transparency/audit, energy-aware development, verification and optimisation. Among others, it builds upon the ENTRA project and analyses designed in the context of CiaoPP. My current work focuses on new static cost analysis frameworks, aiming to support more fine-grained cost models (e.g. closer to bare metal, taking into account low-level properties and communicating with hardware state abstract domains), as well as handle uniformly multi-paradigm programs with diverse and complex control-flows.

Outside of the current focus of my work, I am more broadly interested in all aspects of formal methods, programming language research, and theoretical computer science. I always enjoy learning new maths, and have loved discovering geometric viewpoints on a priori non-geometric problems at least since my first high school science adventures.

I am also involved in various outreach activities of mathematics and computer science for high school students, as well as on topics related to climate change, carbon regulations, and the environmental impact of IT.



  1. Preprint
    An Order Theory Framework of Recurrence Equations for Static Cost Analysis – Dynamic Inference of Non-Linear Inequality Invariants
    Louis Rustenholz, Pedro López-García, José F. Morales, and Manuel V. Hermenegildo
    Jun 2024
    Currently under review.
  2. Preprint
    A Machine Learning-based Approach for Solving Recurrence Relations and its use in Cost Analysis of Logic Programs
    Louis Rustenholz, Maximiliano Klemen, Miguel Ángel Carreira-Perpiñán, and Pedro López-García
    May 2024
    Under consideration for publication in TPLP.


  1. Conference Paper
    Static Analysis of ReLU Neural Networks with Tropical Polyhedra
    Eric Goubault, Sébastien Palumby, Sylvie Putot, Louis Rustenholz, and Sriram Sankaranarayanan
    In Proceedings of the 28th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2021) , Oct 2021
  2. Book
    L’équation aux S-unités – Voyage géométrique en théorie des nombres
    Khalil Bendriss, Paul Boisseau, Adam David, Félix Rebotier, and Louis Rustenholz
    Éditions Ellipses, Sep 2021
    Book version of a project on Geometrical and Algebraic Number Theory
    Preface by Diego Izquierdo


Other Research Projects

This section lists some unpublished works.
It contains technical reports, relatively recent internship reports, but also (for fun!) older student projects.
  1. M.S. Thesis
    Automated Approximate Recurrence Solving applied to Static Analysis of Energy Consumption
    Louis Rustenholz
    MPRI and École polytechnique (Master internship report), Aug 2022
    CLIP Lab, IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain
    Supervised by M.V. Hermenegildo, P. Lopez-Garcia, and J. F. Morales.
  2. M.S. Thesis
    Categories and Preorders in Value Iteration: Fixed Points and Surrogate Models
    Louis Rustenholz
    École polytechnique (Master internship report), Aug 2021
    ERATO MMSD, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
    Supervised by Ichiro Hasuo and Jérémy Dubut.
  3. Internship
    Internship at OCamlPro
    Louis Rustenholz
    École polytechnique , Aug 2020
    Work for the SMT-solver Alt-Ergo. Web-based environment, tutorial, documentation.
    Supervised by Albin Coquereau.
  4. B.S. Thesis
    L’équation aux S-unités – Voyage géométrique en théorie des nombres
    Khalil Bendriss, Paul Boisseau, Adam David, Félix Rebotier, and Louis Rustenholz
    École polytechnique , Apr 2020
    Year 2 project at École polytechnique (PSC). Compiled in a book at Éditions Ellipses.
    Supervised by Diego Izquierdo.
  5. Internship
    Internship at Direction Générale de l’Armement
    Louis Rustenholz
    École polytechnique , Apr 2019
    Design of chemico-physical models and simulations working towards a patent.
  6. B.S. Thesis
    Neural networks: Expressivity and Implicit Spaces
    Louis Rustenholz
    Lycée Louis-le-Grand , Jun 2018
    Undergraduate research project (Classes Préparatoires, TIPE). Included here: ENS report (pdf) and Mines-Ponts slides.
  7. Misc
    Jeu sur intervalle
    Louis Rustenholz with Cercle Mathématique de Strasbourg
    May 2016
    Paper for a high-school math research competition (TFJM²) – c.f. outreach page. Problems for the 2016 edition
  8. Misc
    Applying nanotechnology to medicine: the fight against cancer
    Nicolas Wendling, and Louis Rustenholz
    Jun 2014
    High-school research project (TPE). Website on DNA origami nanorobots.